$333.00 USD

I am Enough One Time Session

Do you find yourself constantly battling feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or the belief that you're not enough? This targeted, one-time HeartHealing™ session is meticulously designed to help you break free from the suffocating grip of the "not enough" wound, empowering you to embrace your worth and potential.

What to Expect:

Laser-Focused Healing

This session zeroes in on the root cause of your "not enough" wound, delving into the subconscious to address and reframe those beliefs that hinder your self-worth.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem

Through gentle yet powerful hypnotic techniques, this session aims to rewire your subconscious, replacing negative self-talk with affirmations of self-love, confidence, and self-assurance.

Inner Healing Journey

Experience a guided exploration of your inner landscape, identifying and releasing the emotional blockages that contribute to feelings of inadequacy, creating space for self-acceptance and appreciation.

Immediate Impact

Witness an immediate shift in perception and mindset as you emerge from the session with a newfound sense of empowerment, leaving behind the weight of the "not enough" wound.

Personalized Approach

We tailor the session specifically to your needs, ensuring a personalized and supportive experience.

Don't let the "not enough" wound hold you back from the life you deserve. Take the first step toward healing and unlock your true potential with our specialized HeartHealing™ session.

What you'll get:

  • Intake Form to being the healing process
  • Feel Safe Audio to prepare for the healing
  • HeartHealing™ Session
  • Audio to imprint the work we have done during the session.
  • Follow up with us a few days after your session 

It's important to note that healing emotional wounds is not a linear process nor something we can control or do for you. You have to put in the work and partner with us for transformation.

Please note if you have severe mental illness or trauma working with a mental health therapist may be better before doing HeartHealing™ While hypnosis and HeartHealing™ are usually very safe and effective, as with any modality, no one thing is perfect for everyone. If you have questions feel free to drop us a message on our contact us page and we'll be happy to help you!