50 Plus Affirmations To Support Your I am Enough Mindset

affirmations hearthealing™ self care
You are Enough

I get it! We all need a little boost and sometimes the trash-talking voice in our heads telling us all the times we failed or why we need to hit the gym because our butt is too big or our mom skills suck or just whatever that garbage is can really be detrimental to our mental health and wellbeing. Creating a self-talk dialogue that is positive while also holding ourselves accountable is really beneficial. Grabbing a journal and writing down your wins, no matter how tiny can be super powerful. Gratitude is helpful and writing out or repeating affirmations can also help rewrite that nagging little voice in your head. 

Here are 50 plus affirmations to get you started! Be sure to comment and share yours too! Remember we always learn better together❤️

  1. I am worthy of love and happiness.
  2. I believe in my abilities to achieve my goals.
  3. I am surrounded by positive and supportive people.
  4. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.
  5. I am deserving of success and abundance.
  6. I radiate confidence and self-assurance.
  7. I am capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way.
  8. I choose to focus on the present moment and find joy in it.
  9. I attract opportunities that align with my passions and purpose.
  10. I am open to receiving all the good that the universe has to offer.
  11. I trust in the divine timing of my life.
  12. I am resilient and bounce back from setbacks stronger than before.
  13. I embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth.
  14. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  15. I forgive myself for past mistakes and release any guilt or shame.
  16. I am worthy of success and achievements.
  17. I am surrounded by abundance in all areas of my life.
  18. I am a magnet for positive experiences and relationships.
  19. I am confident in expressing my needs and desires.
  20. I choose to let go of negative thoughts and replace them with empowering ones.
  21. I am filled with peace and tranquility.
  22. I attract positive and loving people into my life.
  23. I trust my intuition and make decisions with clarity and confidence.
  24. I am open to receiving love and affection from others.
  25. I am blessed with a healthy body and a sound mind.
  26. I am deserving of respect and kindness from others.
  27. I am grateful for the lessons learned from past experiences.
  28. I am capable of creating the life I desire.
  29. I am worthy of all the good that comes my way.
  30. I am loved and supported by the universe.
  31. I release any fear and embrace the unknown with courage.
  32. I attract financial abundance and opportunities for prosperity.
  33. I am a source of inspiration and positivity for others.
  34. I am constantly growing and evolving into the best version of myself.
  35. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  36. I trust in my ability to make wise decisions.
  37. I am grateful for my unique talents and gifts.
  38. I radiate happiness and joy to everyone I meet.
  39. I am open to receiving compliments and praise with grace.
  40. I am worthy of self-care and prioritizing my well-being.
  41. I release the need to compare myself to others and embrace my uniqueness.
  42. I am resilient in the face of adversity.
  43. I attract opportunities that align with my values and passions.
  44. I am surrounded by love and support from my friends and family.
  45. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of every situation.
  46. I am confident in expressing my true self authentically.
  47. I am grateful for the abundance of love and happiness in my life.
  48. I am in control of my thoughts and choose to cultivate positivity.
  49. I deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
  50. I am open to receiving guidance and wisdom from the universe.
  51. I trust that everything happens for my highest good.
  52. I am capable of achieving my dreams and aspirations.
  53. I am enough just as I am.
  54. I attract opportunities that bring me closer to my goals.
  55. I am worthy of unconditional love and acceptance.
  56. I am a powerful creator of my reality.
  57. I release any limiting beliefs that hold me back.
  58. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life.
  59. I radiate confidence and charisma.
  60. I can love and care for myself.

What affirmations can you think of that I missed? Working on that part of your story that made you feel like you weren't enough might be helpful too! Book in a HeartHealing ™ session or Reiki session and let's dive in a little deeper to help you feel truly loved and connected to the you inside who holds all that magic. There is no one else like you and you deserve to be loved and cared for unconditionally. Maybe we just need to work on you loving and caring for yourself 😊 I'm here to help so if you have questions ask me!