Essential Oil Ideas for Sleep

aromatherapy essential oil recipes relaxation and stress relief self care
Woman sleeping on white and blue sheets with blue and white background

Using essential oils for sleep can be a nice way to naturally help your body relax and "turn off the roller coaster mind" with out feeling groggy and out of it. Essential oils that have sedating properties to our nervous system are great options. You can choose to use them in a few different ways such as Diffusing, Bath Salts, in your lotions applied before bed, or an inhaler. I love to soak away my stress and add a few drops of my favorites to bath salts with a hint of jojoba to help disperse the essential oils in the water. Many of these oils offer many other therapeutic properties as well so combining a couple of them may offer you relief from more than just one thing. That is the beauty of essential oils, multipurpose.

Here are seven of my favorites:

Lavender - Goes without saying the number one talked about essential oil and for many of us where we start

Vetiver - very grounding and sedating to the nervous system. Also supportive to the immune system.

Frankincense - is not necessarily sedating to the nervous system but it is very grounding and relaxing.  Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Cicatrisant, Immune Stimulant.

Roman Chamomile - Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, CNS sedative, Digestive aid, Skin healing, Tonic

Bergamot - Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Antifungal, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Cooling.

Sandalwood -Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fungal, Antispasmodic, Antitussive, Antiviral, Astringent, CNS Sedative, cooling, decongestant, skin healing.

Cedarwood - Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, CNS Sedating, Decongestant, Diuretic, Expectorant, insecticide, mucolytic, Tonic, and wound healing. 

Phew what a list! Now some of those may not mean a ton to you but I like to list out the many properties an oil has been shown to have so you can see if there are ways you may want to use it. To look up the terms and what some of those might mean if they are not familiar to you check our common terms page

Ok for the fun part! Let's get blending!

1 drop Sandalwood
1 drop R. Chamomile
1 drop Lavender
add to diffuser or add to small amount of carrier oil and massage where ever you like.

2 - 3 drops Vetiver and 2 tbsp of carrier oil with bath salts to warm bath and soak

5 drops Cedarwood
5 drops Bergamot
2 drops Jasmine
1 drop Neroli
Blend in 1 oz (28 gm) cream or carrier oil.
Note: Please remember that using 5 drops of bergamot means this blend is phototoxic and can only be used under clothing if you are going to be exposed to any sun or UV light. 

2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Bergamot, 1 drop Cedarwood to you diffuser and enjoy.

Any of these recipes can be converted into a diffusers or inhaler recipes if you like to use your oils in your inhaler if you prefer. Find what works for you and go from there. I also like to start my routine an hour or so before I want to go to bed so my body has a chance to start turning off from my day.

What are you favorite oils for sleep, and how do you use them?