Essential Oils for Muscles and Moods

aromatherapy essential oil recipes meditation pain relaxation and stress relief
Person relaxing in hammock outside

You might wonder why we chose to specialize in essential oils and blends for Muscles and Moods. As Massage Therapists, we have seen clients in our practice that are really struggling, with pain, with great changes and stress in their lives and massage, acupuncture, PT, and others are all great tools to help during those times. We are huge proponents of self care, you can't give the world what you do not have and if you are not taking care of yourself you can not serve others as you might like to do.

Our encounter with essential oils began in 2006, when a couple of us took a continuing education class on Aromatherapy for Massage. It was really cool. It opened my eyes to these awesome and powerful tools and I haven't looked back. I have worked in medicine in varying capacities since 1993 and I admit I am a science nerd. I love the essential oil chemistry and the way understanding that chemistry helps us know what oils have properties that can help support our health goals and be used for certain results. I mean how cool is it to know that one or two components in an oil are what make it great for pain or inflammation, or that it is anti-microbial or sedating to the nervous system. I mean the possibilities are endless!

All of this lead us to continue learning, teaching and sharing our love of essential oils, creating our blends and helping people use their own oils to create fun and effective blends for themselves. I admit I have a pretty amazing life and super supportive coworkers, spouse and family. They listen to me blather on and on about "how cool is it that Basil and Peppermint helped that muscle spasm" or "put this Helichrysum and Lavender on that burn" it is probably super entertaining I'm sure ;-)

I thought it might be fun to share a couple of my all time favorites and why.

Frankincense- if you have followed me at all you know I love Frankincense. It is my go to for moods, stress, feeling overwhelmed and down. I also use it for muscle tension and skin stuff, hello fine lines anyone. The list goes on but this is the short list.

Basil- Awwww Basil, you are herbaceous and bring so much punch to attack muscle tightness and are great to inhale for nausea. It should be noted that this oil should be avoided during pregnancy.

Bergamot- this power house might be one of my all time favorite citrus. It is great for muscle tightness, the blues, need a boost of self confidence then Bergamot is your oil. It is great to round out a blend or even be the main focal point, but  be careful as it is photosensitizing and avoiding sun exposure after topical use is important. This makes it perfect to add to inhalers or diffusers.

Peppermint- Seriously who doesn't love Peppermint. This oil is cooling, yet can be hot so dilution is key, it offers assistance when you are feeling fatigued emotionally or physically, have a headache? Grab it and inhale or diffuse. Nausea? Inhale or dilute and apply to tummy and it works like a charm. Tension creeping up your neck? Dilute it and apply topically.

Cypress- this tree oil is amazing. Very grounding which makes it perfect for times of change and stress, works great to reduce muscle tension and is light enough to tuck into many blends without over powering. Got transition going on in your life? Add a little Cypress to your day.

I love to add essential oils to Jojoba and apply them topically, use them in the bath with salts and always add some fatty oil or whole milk to dilute, and using oil in my diffuser or inhalers are awesome. More to come on that another day. Thanks for reading! I can't wait to hear how you use your oils and what lead you to essential oil use.

What are your top favorite essential oils? Do you use the oils I mentioned? What lead you to use essential oils?