Happy New Year 2022šŸ„³

New year golden fireworks exploding

I can't believe we've made it into 2022! I hope you've been resting and practicing your personal favorite self care practices so far this year. I haven't set resolutions for years since I figure if I want to set a goal I should just set it and get on with it regardless of time of year and saying I won't eat chocolate or have a latte just isn't realistic so I don't do the whole resolution thing. However, I do evaluate my goals and see where I might need to make some adjustments.

In 2020 and 2021 I focused a lot more on my personal fitness than I had in the past few years. Challenging myself to work out at least 5 days a week. That one thing was what got me through 2020 when lock downs were happening and my Mom's cancer diagnosis getting worse and eventually her passing. I needed that time, the endorphins and that it gave my mind time to process all that was going on. I'm continuing that practice this year because I saw first hand how my very severe shoulder pain from working improved. 

I wonder though how many of us will have burned out and given up in the upcoming weeks, then we add on some guilt and feel worse about ourselves. How can that be helpful? I do think we have to cut through the crap and hold ourselves accountable though and not let our goals just slip by because we don't love ourselves enough to say enough. Enough crappy food. Enough sitting on my butt. Enough staying up too late. ENOUGH.

My hope for you whether you set resolutions or goals or whatever you do is that you choose one thing and really truly commit to it for no other reason that because you love you and it's your time. Not because it's a New Year but because you're ready to make a change for the better. 

You're ready and I'm cheering you on! Tell me what's going to be your thing so we can help each other be the best versions of us?